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Meet The Developers
Aria Bryton

Hi! I'm Aria. I live in Texas and I am in 8th grade. I came up with the idea for this website when it was time to do my Community Project for IB. I love reading and want to share it with the world, especially with advanced readers and people who don't necessarily love reading which is why this website helps you filter through hundreds of middle-grade and YA books to find your next read.  In my spare (non-reading) time, I also play piano and viola and write fantasy and contemporary stories.


Natalie Daubert

Hi! I'm Natalie. I also live in Texas and am in 8th grade.  When Aria reached out to me about doing our Community Project about books and literacy, I immediately agreed to help. I agree that it is an extremely important thing to get more kids reading awesome books because there are plenty out there for each and every type of reader.  I love reading, playing piano, writing, drawing, and playing video games.


Contact us both at "" for questions, comments, or concerns.​

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